In absence of innovative technologies, there is risk of high grid instability ISLAMABAD: The electricity storage system is not something new, although not widespread either. However, […]
Local investors should invest in solar, wind projects to prevent forex outflow ISLAMABAD: Many people ask if renewable energy is so cheap – 1-2 US cents […]
Nepra (National Electric Power Regulatory Authority) has released its annual State of Industry Report-21 (SOI-21). This publication is an authentic source of data and information and […]
The first part of this series ‘Performance issues’ (Oct 9) talked about the performance issues of the power sector. This part will deal with the existing […]
The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) recently released its annual state of industry (SOI) report. This publication is an authentic source of data and information, […]
It may be reasonable to utilise Thar area for producing 10,000MW of solar power ISLAMABAD: China has announced in international fora that it won’t finance any […]
China has announced, at international forums, that it won’t finance any new coal-fired power plant project outside its country anymore. This has sent shock waves among […]
Govt policy is required to facilitate use of alternative energy sources ISLAMABAD: Gas crisis is already there. It may become worse in winters, although gas shortages […]